Maternity Engagement Project: This is the report from our Department of Health-funded three year project where we worked with 30 maternity units across England to improve outcomes for multiple pregnancy families. (2019)

Parliamentary Briefing: Baby Loss Debate: This briefing highlights ways of preventing stillbirths, neonatal deaths and neonatal admissions amongst multiples. (2018)  

An insight paper – by accident or design? This report looks at activities that are likely to have contributed to the near 50% reduction in twin stillbirths and over 30% fall in neonatal deaths reported in the latest UK wide perinatal audit published in June 2018.

Twin Pregnancy and Neonatal Care in England: This report is an analysis of data on twin pregnancy and neonatal care in England. (2017)

Parliamentary Briefing: Baby Loss Debate: This briefing highlights the hidden problem of higher risk of perinatal deaths in multiple pregnancies. (2016)

Multiple Births in Scotland: This report describes the findings of the Maternity Services survey we distributed to parents of multiples in Scotland and the UK. The survey covered a variety of topics including place of birth, quality of antenatal and postnatal care, neonatal care arrangements, feeding support and sleeping arrangements. (2016)

Reducing Stillbirths in Multiple Pregnancies and the NHS Stillbirth ‘Care Bundle’: Our response to the release of the NHS Stillbirth 'Care Bundle.' The report concluded most of the points in the care bundle do not apply to multiple pregnancies. (2016)

Maternity Services and Multiple Births: A joint report between us and the NCT which describes the findings of the Maternity Services survey we distributed to parents of multiples in the UK between April and July 2015. The survey covered a variety of topics including place of birth, quality of antenatal and postnatal care, neonatal care arrangements, feeding support and sleeping arrangements. (2015)

Healthcare Survey Report – ‘Making Progress’: This was a follow up to the 2009 survey and asked parents or twins, triplets and more to confirm their recent experience of pregnancy, birth and the early months. (2012)

Health and Lifestyle Survey Report – ‘Multiple Failing’: The survey looked at families’ experience of pregnancy, birth and their postnatal experience. It covered a range of topics including gestational age and weight of twins or triplets, access to neonatal care, postnatal depression, help in the home and quality of feeding advice. (2009)

Maternity Care for women expecting a multiple birth: Using data from national surveys the report by NPEU provides an overview of the care mothers of twins and triplets receive during pregnancy, labour and birth and in the early months that follow. (2011) *NPEU is a multi-disciplinary research unit which was established at the University of Oxford in 1978.

Maternity Services Survey Report: Compares and contrasts antenatal and postnatal services and support in several different countries. It highlights where excellent service delivery occurs and where there may be room for improvement. (2014)