We are happy to work with TV and film companies looking to cast multiples in TV shows or films and use our extensive Social Media channels to do this. 

As a charity, we do make a small charge for this which is £40 plus VAT. The fee must be paid before the Social Media post is put out. 

We cannot guarantee a response, but the odds are good. Past successes have included finding twins for the film Swallows and Amazons and Disney blockbuster Cinderella. 

Nichola, mum to identical twins Madison and Holly who played baby Cinderella, said: “After my friend sent me the casting ad on your Facebook page I applied and within two weeks we were at Pinewood Studios with Sir Kenneth Branagh. It was an amazing experience!”

If you would like to use our service, please email [email protected] with as many details as you can and attach a flyer if you have one. We will get back to you within 24 hours.