Our helpline offers free support to parents of twins, triplets and more
0800 138 0509

Call Twinline free
Monday to Friday
10am to 1pm and 7pm to 10pm

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Complete our short form, tell us what you'd like support with and we'll get back to you by email

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Whether you'd like to chat about expecting multiples, feeding, sleeping, starting school, friendships, getting to grips with the teenage years or anything else multiples-related, our problem-solving service can provide the support you need.

Sometimes you may just need a listening ear, with no judgement, from somebody who understands. All our trained volunteers have developed expertise by virtue of parenting twins or triplets. We can also signpost you to our resources for further support.

To get in touch, call 0800 138 0509 (Mon-Fri 10am-1pm and 7pm-10pm) or complete the Ask Twinline form online. The best way to get a quick response is to call. Emails will be responded to within three working days. 



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