We know everyone is struggling with lockdown and your world has been turned upside down and we’re here for you. Our expectant and new parents especially are facing heightened anxiety and worry and we’re doing all we can to help.

How can I help?

NHS maternity services and neonatal wards are stretched like never before.

This means:

  • Expectant mums aren’t being scanned as frequently as they should and feel unsure about when to contact the hospital about their pregnancy.
  • New parents aren’t able to spend as much time with their premature babies in neonatal care
  • New parents aren’t being visited as much by community midwives and health visitors. Other hands-on support from family is also unavailable impacting the parents’ mental health.

To support our families and the NHS we’ve responded quickly with new resources, adapted our services and recruited new volunteers to help our families through this. We are:

  • Moving our antenatal courses online
  • Answering questions from our expectant families about the adapted care they’ll receive
  • Making sure every expectant mum with multiples receives life saving information to recognise warning signs if something isn’t right and know when to contact their doctor for advice
  • Offering family crisis support via video to those families that are in hospital or bringing their babies home

A full list of our response to Covid-19 can be seen here.

We URGENTLY need your support so we can continue to provide immediate help to expectant and new families and to support our amazing NHS even more than usual.


How can I help?

If you can, please donate to our appeal. Any gift, of any amount would make a huge difference.
