How are my babies developing?

All of your babies’ organs, muscles and nerves are in place and beginning to function.

How am I changing and what do I need to know this week?

Have you received the date for your booking appointment with your midwife yet? It ideally will be before 10 weeks.

We expect you and your partner have a lot of questions. It is advisable to think about the questions now you want to ask your midwife at your booking appointment. Writing them down is helpful so you don’t forget any. Don’t ever feel shy about asking a question - your midwife would rather alleviate any concerns and answer any questions.

At your booking appointment your midwife will ask you lots of questions about your health and medical history, along with your partner's and your families’ medical history, inherited conditions and any mental health history. So speak with your families before this appointment to gain as much information as possible. This is important as your family history may have an influence on the care you receive.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential. You will probably find that you are hungrier than normal, but you don’t need to ’eat for three or more’. The NICE guidelines state there is no evidence that women with multiple pregnancies have greater nutritional needs than women with one baby for the first and second trimester. However, you will expect to gain more weight with a multiple pregnancy. There are lots of factors that determine how much weight you will gain during your pregnancy and what you eat is just one of them. Your age, ethnicity, height and pre-pregnancy weight all have an influence on how your body will change during your pregnancy. It is healthy and natural to put on weight to accommodate for your growing babies. There is no formal evidence-based guideline from the government on what constitutes appropriate weight gain during a multiple pregnancy.

How can Twins Trust help me?

Check out your weekly roundup of useful resources or information to help prepare you for the arrival of your twins, triplets or more.

Finding out you're having twins, triplets or more

Twins Trust's Healthy Multiple Pregnancy Guide

Partners Factsheet