How are my babies developing?
Your babies are now each called a fetus. Your babies are protected by the amniotic sac which is filled with amniotic fluid. This protects your babies so they can develop and grow. It also provides them with fluids that they can breathe and swallow.
How am I changing and what do I need to know this week?
You may be starting to show a little bit and you may experience a bloated tummy. Progesterone relaxes the smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, which results in more wind, bloating and digestion problems. Ways to help relieve this include ensuring you aid digestion by eating small meals regularly, waiting at least an hour before lying down after a meal and wearing loose clothing. Avoid foods that cause indigestion too; the usual culprits are rich, spicy foods and fatty foods. At night sleeping with several pillows can be helpful.
Your breasts may seem enlarged. Your nipples, and the darker circles around them (areolar) may appear bigger and darker; this is completely normal.
Do you feel like you cannot control your emotions, one minute you’re overjoyed to be pregnant with multiples, only to be in tears at the prospect of parenthood the next? Your hormone levels are surging as the amount of oestrogen and progesterone in your blood increases. These are heightened due to carrying multiples. Once your hormone levels balance out, which is usually by the second trimester, your emotions will be easier to control. One of the best antidotes to these feelings is to talk to someone, whether it’s your partner, a supportive friend or calling Twinline. Remember you can also talk to your health professionals, like your midwife or GP, who can offer advice and guidance.
Don’t feel guilty for having these mixed emotions. Having a multiple pregnancy can be overwhelming and is a life changing event. It might just take you longer to process these normal emotions.
Exploring your options of health care providers and hospitals in your area is important so you are aware of the choices available to you. A hospital birth will be advised when you are expecting multiples. You can find out about your choice of hospitals on the NHS choice website
You can also find out more about your local maternity services by visiting and accessing the NHS friends and family test.
How can Twins Trust help me?
Getting access to good information is key and crucial. Here at Twins Trust we have worked with the best professionals and with parents of multiples to create accurate, information-rich, resources for you. Each week we'll give you some useful resources or information to help prepare you for the arrival of your twins, triplets or more.
Twins Trust's Healthy Multiple Pregnancy Guide