If you are on a low income, the Sure Start Maternity Grant is a one-off payment to help towards the costs of new babies. The grant comes from the Social Fund and you don’t have to repay it. The grant isn’t affected by any savings, and currently stands at £500 for each baby for first born children but less if you have children already and then have twins, triplets or more.
Each year we hear from parents of multiples who unfortunately miss out on a Sure Start Maternity Grant because they send their forms in too late. This is especially likely to happen when babies are born premature or poorly and the first weeks are taken up with caring for them in hospital. But it also happens to parents run off their feet at home with their newborn twins, triplets or more. It’s therefore worth filling in the forms well before the babies are born. In fact, you can claim from 11 weeks before the birth until the baby is three months old. If you’re waiting for a decision on benefits or tax credits, do not delay in making your claim. You can fill these details in later; the important thing is to get your claim in within the three-month time limit. If you need a hand dealing with the forms, your midwife should be able to help.
For details of exactly who qualifies for a Sure Start Maternity Grant and how to claim it please visit the Government website.
You can also contact Working Families for more information.
If you are based in Scotland, the grant available to families is the Best Start Grant. To find out more details and how to apply, please click here.