It’s hard to take a step back when your children start the journey into adulthood. Young people need their privacy and they don’t want to discuss every issue with their parents or sibling anymore.
Parents of multiples can find this stage very difficult. Parents may worry that their twins, triplets or more bond will be broken as they become more independent and move into adulthood. This is a natural part of multiples’ development and parents shouldn’t be worried about their growing independence.
According to research, twins with very close relationships but do not rely on each other are happier with their life than those who continue to rely on each other into adulthood. In addition, they are more satisfied than twins that have had a very distant relationship.
New life situations often lead multiples in different directions and their relationships may change. They may no longer keep in touch as much as they used to. This is all very normal, rest assured after the busy years of early adult life the siblings tend to reconnect and become close once again.