The first big question to consider about school is: together or apart? Can your children achieve independence from their siblings if they are educated together, or do you think they would benefit from being in different classes? There are no absolute answers. You need to consider your childrens’ characters and the way they interact with each other, as well as the educational options available in your area. Of course, if you have triplets or more, or if the school has one-form entry, this will affect your options.
Initially, if your children enjoy each other’s company and are not overly competitive, they are likely to benefit from being in the same class. This will help them to settle – especially if they don’t know the other children. They can be separated later and often are by the age of eight.
If you are unsure and want some guidance about whether your multiples would benefit from being together or apart, take a look at the Hackney Learning Trust document, that was developed with Twins Trust support Together or Apart guidance and checklist.
Blanket School Policies
Schools shouldn’t have a blanket policy to either always separate multiples or always keep them together in class. If your school does have a policy and you’re not happy with it, you’ll need to discuss this matter further with the school.
To help you approach the school we have created a letter from our Chief Executive, Keith Reed, which you can print off and give to the headteacher. We also have a 'Twins at school: legal basis for school classroom policies and any rights for parents' document which may be helpful.