1 - Online forum consultation - start here
Welcome to our online support forum consultation. Thank you again for getting involved.
We'll be posting questions and discussions first thing on the 17th, 18th and 19th of March.
When you have a free moment each day, please log in and take a look. Activities shouldn't take longer than 15-30 minutes and you can save a draft and come back to them later if need be. We'll be around to answer questions and post follow up discussions and comments too.
If you miss a day, don't worry. You can always catch up the next day and we'll leave it open on the 20th and 21st of March too so you can finish off.
As you can probably see, the forum is still in development so things might not always work as you expect. You might also come across some weird Latin that developers use as a 'placeholder' before we put in the real information. We'll be adjusting and changing this as we carry on with development - and as we hear your thoughts too. We have also set up a 'General feedback' thread where you can let us know any general thoughts, comments or bugs you come across during the consultation.
First, please take a look at the introductions group here [LINK]. Please feel free to introduce yourself now - you don't need to wait until the consultation date to say hello.
Thanks so much again,
Clare, Rachel and Louise.
test discusison link
Replies (3)
test right top content
test right bottom content