Over three years you rallied together to raise £60,000 for our Big Research Appeal which was matched by BMFMS. Thanks to your incredible support you helped fund the largest research programme of its kind in the world.

Our Big Research Appeal funded seven crucial pieces of clinical research, designed to prevent TTTS and prematurity, and ultimately save tiny lives.

The research studies funded by this appeal are -

  • Single intrauterine fetal death in monochorionic twin pregnancies.
  • Neurodevelopment outcomes in twin pregnancies with complications including TTTS, single intrauterine death, selective intrauterine growth restriction, TRAPS and TAPS.
  • Prevalence of monochorionic monoamniotic (MCMA) twin and triplet pregnancies, and to compare birth outcomes and clinical management of these pregnancies.
  • Emergency cerclage in twin pregnancies at imminent risk of preterm birth.
  • Examination of the myometrial transcriptome in twin pregnancies.
  • Development of a ‘core outcome set’ for multiple pregnancies
  • Evaluating risk antenatally in twin pregnancies

None of this would have been possible without your support. Thank you for helping to save tiny babies’ lives.